Displaying 101 - 120 of 128


Coauthors: Debraj Ray

Journal of Economic Theory, 47, 1989, 195-202

Review of Economic Studies, 56, 1989, 119-128

Coauthors: Debraj Ray

Games and Economic Behavior, 1 (4), 1989, 295-326


Issues in Contemporary Retirementin E. Lazear and R. Ricardo-Campbell (eds.), Hoover Institution Press: Stanford, 1988, 312-345

Coauthors: John Shoven

Pensions in the U.S. EconomyZ. Bodie, J. Shoven and D. Wise (eds.), NBER-University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1988, 85-111

Coauthors: Perry Beider, Victor Fuchs, John Shoven

Research in Labor Economics, 9, 1988, 1-52

Coauthors: Oded Stark

American Economic Review, 78, December 1988, 1034-1045

Tax Policy and the Economy, 2, 1988, 1-32

Coauthors: Kyle Bagwell

Journal of Political Economy, 96 (2), 1988, 308-338


Coauthors: John Shoven

The Consumption Tax: A Better Alternative? Walker and Bloomfield (eds.), Ballinger Publishing Co., 1987

Issues in Pension EconomicsZ. Bodie, J. Shoven and D. Wise (eds.), Chapter 9, NBER-University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1987, 237-282

Tax Policy and the Economy, 1, 1987, 113-138

Coauthors: Debraj Ray

Review of Economic Studies, 54 (2), 1987, 227-242

Coauthors: Bezalel Peleg, Michael Whinston

Journal of Economic Theory, 42 (1), 1987, 1-12

Coauthors: Michael Whinston

Journal of Economic Theory, 42 (1), 1987, 13-29


Coauthors: Debraj Ray

Review of Economic Studies, 53 (5), 1986, 877-882

American Economic Review, 76 (4), 1986, 789-793

Coauthors: Michael Whinston

Econometrica, 54 (4), 1986, 923-942
