Displaying 41 - 60 of 128


Coauthors: Antonio Rangel

Swedish Economic Policy Review, 12, 2005, 99-144

Coauthors: Solange Berstein, Jagadeesh Gokhale, Laurence J. Kotlikoff

National Institute Economic Review, 198, Oct 2006, 75-96


Coauthors: Raphael Thomadsen

Economic Journal, 115, April 2005, 271-304

Coauthors: Joel Teichman, Patricia Cecconi, Neva Kerbeshian, Manoj Monga, Debra DaRosa, Martin Resnick

American Journal of Surgery, 189(2), 2005, 134-139


Coauthors: Antonio Rangel

American Economic Review, 94(5), 2004, 1558-1590

Coauthors: Robert Lemke, John Karl Scholz

Journal of Public Economics, 88(12), 2004, 2617-2634


Coauthors: Katherine Carman, Jagadeesh Gokhale, Laurence Kotlikoff

Economic Inquiry 41(4), 2003, 531-54

Coauthors: Sergei Severinov

Journal of Political Economy, 111(4), August 2003, 733-764

Coauthors: Lorenzo Forni, Jagadeesh Gokhale, Laurence Kotlikoff

American Economic Review, 93(1), 2003, 354-365

Coauthors: Daniel M. Garrett

Journal of Public Economics, 87(7-8), 2003, 1487-1519


Coauthors: Lorenzo Forni, Jagadeesh Gokhale, Laurence Kotlikoff

Innovations in Financing RetirementOlivia Mitchell, Zvi Bodie, Brett Hammond, and Steven Zeldes (eds.), Chapter 4, University of Pennsylvania Press, Pension Reserach Council, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 2002, pp. 77-105

Handbook of Public EconomicsAlan Auerbach and Martin Feldstein (eds.), Volume 3, North-Holland, 2002, 1173- 1249


Coauthors: Joel Teichman, Eric Espinosa, Patricia Parker, Joana Meyer, Margaret Pearle, Glenn Preminger, Raymond Leveille

Urology, 57(5), 2001, 866-871

Coauthors: Daniel M. Garrett, Dean Maki

Journal of Public Economics, 80(3), 2001, 435-465

Essays on Saving, Bequests, Altruism, and Life-Cycle PlanningLaurence J. Kotlikoff (ed.), MIT Press: Cambridge, 2001, 427-77

Coauthors: Lee Redding

Journal of Economics and Management Science, 10(4), Winter 2001, 463-507

Coauthors: Jonathan Skinner, Steven Weinberg

American Economic Review, 91(4), 2001, 832-857


Coauthors: Lorenzo Forni, Jagadeesh Gokhale, Laurence Kotlikoff

American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 90(2), 2000, 288-292


Henry Aaron (ed.), Behavioral Economics and Retirement Policy, Brookings Institution, Press, 1999, 273-281

Coauthors: Michael Whinston

CORE Lecture Series, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1999
